How To Get Reliable Results When Potty Training Your Puppy @media (max-width:1745px){/* Paragraph */#content p:nth-child(2){}}/* 976px and below screen sizes */@media (max-width:976px){/* Paragraph */#content p:nth-child(2){font-size:52px !important;line-height:1.2em;}#page #content p:nth-child(2){padding-right:40px !important;padding-left:40px !important;}}/* 480px and below screen sizes */@media (max-width:480px){/* Paragraph */#content p:nth-child(2){font-size:37px !important;}#page #content p:nth-child(2){padding-left:5px !important;padding-right:5px !important;}}#content,#content .wp-block-uagb-advanced-heading h1{color:#142850}#page
Jennifer Mann
You do not have to use crate training to house train your puppy, but there are some things to consider. House training involves both potty training AND also getting to a point where you can rely on your dog to spend alone time in your house without
Jennifer Mann
COMMON MISCONCEPTIONS You may have heard these little tidbits of advice from other dog owners: “If you find a mess, rub their nose in it and tell them “NO!”” If you didn’t catch them in the act, don’t bother. Adult dogs have about 5 minutes of