Meet “Crash”, a purebred Doberman who completed our 3 Week Program this summer. He had not had many experiences outside of his home, and this eventually turned into nervous habits when walking in public. There was even some history with fear-based aggression towards children. As
Jennifer Mann
How To Reduce Anxiety Or Aggression In Your Fearful Dog @media (max-width:1745px){/* Paragraph */#content p:nth-child(2){}}/* 976px and below screen sizes */@media (max-width:976px){/* Paragraph */#content p:nth-child(2){font-size:52px !important;line-height:1.2em;}#page #content p:nth-child(2){padding-right:40px !important;padding-left:40px !important;}}/* 480px and below screen sizes */@media (max-width:480px){/* Paragraph */#content p:nth-child(2){font-size:37px !important;}#page #content p:nth-child(2){padding-left:5px !important;padding-right:5px !important;}}#content,#content .wp-block-uagb-advanced-heading h1{color:#142850}#page #content .uagb-slick-carousel{margin-right:15%!important;margin-left:15%!important}.wp-block-uagb-columns .wp-block-uagb-column